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Rituals & Doodle Prompts for Everyday Life

A library of journal prompts rituals and celebrations tied to the astrological events of the moment... I'll be adding more as we move through the year.

"A good Teacher is a practical mystic- creating sacred space she leads and nurturers, balances and becomes a witness for your experience to unfold in a magical way. In sync transformation happens."- michele grace

Sign up below to get access to my free Pluto in Aquarius Journal Prompt. I give you the past dates when Pluto moved through an area of your life so you can reflect and not get caught up in all the "chicken little" hype of "the sky is falling.

Because it isn't. 💫💜💫

Doodle your Passion

Doodle your Passions™

✨ All New for Jupiter in Gemini ✨

In this journal prompt you get insights about YOUR personal Jupiter theme for 2024-2025 as Jupiter moves through the sign Gemini.

Discover the transformative power of Jupiter in Gemini for the next year, exploring creative expression, personal growth, and the significance of Jupiter return cycles. Dive into the impact on communication, self-expression, and healing through astrology.

Jupiter rules expansion and entered the sign Gemini for the first time in twelve years.... Jupiter is an expansive energy, highly creative.... this archetype wants you to expand into something new and exciting. Because Pluto is in Aquarius there's a lot of innovation happening. Expansion. I'll be sharing more about the "ask of Jupiter" at the retreat...

What wants to be revealed? Around creativity and speaking YOUR truth?

I've written all new content and doodles for Jupiter in Gemini also known as Doodle your Passions™ 6.0.

Tracking Jupiter is like panning for gold. Some years there's a miss, and other years there's a glint so bright tons of creativity are released in your life. 

How can I out create myself using the Jupiter as a guide?

Rise & Shine Meditations

For Waymakers, Change Agents, Renegades and Revolutionaries whose focus is on healing, recovery and integration as the pathway to creativity.

Being in business for yourself can often times feel like Mr Toad's Wild Ride.

This series of meditations is designed to break curses and call back your power.... specifically from people you studied or trained with... it's a completion ritual to restore power, vitality and creativity.

Whose energy is holding me hostage?

Shamanic Healing for your Money Story

In these private sessions you'll explore the meaning of money in your business life and how that translates into creativity and joy.

We all have a money story to share; we want to serve, create abundance and do good things with the money we make.

And sometimes we find ourselves stuck, in resistance and don't know why. What is your sacred relationship to money?  Would you like to…

  • Experience a shift in your relationship with money.
  • Understand how money is related to your family legacy.
  • Heal patterns and soul loss around money.
  • Increase your positive energy and renew your creativity

You'll be working privately with me as an ally...reawakening your connection to creativity; and learn how to work with the spirit of money and your business. 

What is your sacred relationship to money?  What does it feel like to create from joy?  What is the ask of money? 

In these sessions you'll explore the meaning of money in your business life and how that translates into creativity and joy.

1:1 Signature Strategy Session with Michele Grace

What medicine do you carry? I’ll help you figure it out…. What would it be like to have more ease as you leap into the next possibility with your business? 

Start your Hivealution

What medicine do you carry? I’ll help you figure it out…. What would it be like to have more ease as you leap into the next possibility with your business? 

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